It matters little what what you read, but rather that you read. Based on the titles I've heard, read, and researched, here are the three books I believe all small to mid-size business leaders should read to get organized and position themselves for growth.
At ePraxis, we far too often hear the words: “I have not read a book since college.” Unfortunately, that neglect forebodes a future of narrow potential as educational institutions cycle books every five years to make room for newer discoveries of knowledge. If you have not focused on routinely learning, your knowledge may lack relevance. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “many people die at age 25 and aren’t buried until they are 75.” If you do not exercise your mind, you may lose it. Be an executive that prioritizes lifelong learning by regularly working the muscle of mind. To encourage lifelong learning, I frequently ask the executives I coach about the authors or books they are reading. Often I hear, Patrick Lencioni, Simon Sinek, Jim Collins, Peter Drucker, Clayton Christensen, Daniel Pink, Eric Ries, and more recently Gino Wickman. Based on the titles I've heard, read, and researched, here are the three books I believe all small to mid-size business leaders should read to get organized and position themselves for growth. If you're interested in reading one, simply click on the book cover or title to find and purchase the book on Amazon.