I am a serial entrepreneur with experience founding, growing, managing, and selling companies. Along the way, I have learned from great leaders, mentors, coaches, and peers who taught me how to spot and avoid many pot-holes in the road, always keeping my eye on the prize by looking at some high mark well down the road. Now, with some miles under my belt, I coach others to help them, much as I was helped along my way.

I have also benefited in my life with an insatiable desire to learn, a trait called the "lifetime learner", and I read all the time, or more recently listen to Audible while traveling here and there to keep my mental "saw" sharp. Recently, I had the opportunity to invest some time and mindshare exploring the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) and the books Traction and Rocketfuel. Gino Wickman is the author of Traction, and Gino has written a solid book of best practice for organizing, managing, and running a small business.

Wickman describes that his book is written for small and growing businesses with revenues from the low millions to around $20 million, though some of the lessons will be of value to larger companies. The book narrates a need for a road map, process, and toolbox for the entrepreneurs to grow their companies. And it seems particularly suited for Michael Gerber's E-Myth Revisited type of accidental CEO, who found themselves to be good at something... and then whether suddenly, by accident, or intention running a business, where they learn that "what got you here, won't get you there." The wheels of the wagon quickly come off and the business can go astray with setbacks if the entrepreneur does not learn some key lessons. For speed, indeed "Rocketfuel", Gino has joined with Mark Winters (a former Vistage Chair) to write about the dynamic duo of the "Visionary" and their ying-and-yang sidekick the "Integrator", and the value of recognizing the need for vision and ability to executive, integrate, and get-things-done (GTD).
Traction while stylized as a unique business process and tool kit draws on successes and tools inspired by best practices born of many fathers. In Traction you will read about... Verne Harnish's, "Mastering The Rockefeller Habits", meeting planning, organizing, and tips for executing business
Jim Collins', "Good to Great", and getting the right people in the seats of the bus Stephen Covey's, ROCKS and the power of focusing on the most important, implementing the Pareto-Principle of the 80:20 rule, etc.
Michael Gerber's, E-Myth Revisited, "What got you here, won't get you there," and the need for defining, developing, and implementing repeatable businesses processes, etc. David Allen's, Getting Things Done.
Vistage Worldwide's, deep issue processing method, ensuring that you ask the right questions before you answer them.
Strategic Coach's tool orientation and process for mapping out your glide path Patrick Lencioni's Five Dysfunctions of A Team
And many more. None of these attributions in anyway minimizes the value of "Traction", but rather shows the value and well thought out model, process, and toolbox.
After reviewing the business process and model, I give it 5-stars, and I have decided to add Traction and Rocktfuel to my own strategic tool box of materials for coaching and executive development. In May 2016, I accepted the invitation to become an "Authorized EOS Implementer" with an opportunity to learn more, go deeper, and discover how to implement more effectively the concepts in Traction. I much like the EOS tool box, and I think it is highly appropriate and useful for small businesses. However, be mindful, that just as 'what got you here, won't get you there,' growing businesses that master the Traction EOS system, will find that they will outgrow certain concepts where more future rigor will be required such as greater attention to KPIs, dashboarding, and planning systems that will outstrip the Traction method. However, there is something surely to be gained from Traction and it is worth the read.
If you have any questions about Traction, how to implement it, or need direction on next steps, please feel free to contact us. I am happy to direct you to any number of EOS Implementers, whether it be myself or others that might be a good fit for you.