In my Vistage Peer Group Meetings in June 2016 in Salt Lake City, UT, we invited a talented speaker, Dr. Gustavo Grodnitzky (, to speak to us about generational differences of employees, with particular respect to understanding Y-generation. From my notes, here are some take-aways that I thought might provide a helpful launch point for a discussion about facts, fiction, and what to do about multi-generational differences.
Gen Y generation seeks mentors and growth
They are not job hoppers, but mentor/opportunity hoppers
Money is a threshold, not a scorecard; relationships and cause will trump compensation
Gen Y's seek a blended life environment Mentorship Time Flexibility Growth Relationships Cause
For Gen Y's, consider enabling time off flexibilities such as: Paid time off (PTO) Leave with out pay (LWOP) Discretionary time off (DTO)
For Gen Y's consider work arrangement flexibilities such as: comp time flex scheduling 4-day work week job sharing self managed teams self directed teams
For work environment's, Gen Y's want to learn and grow; consider challenges and opportunities for... Growth Interest in learning Relaxed / friendly culture idea sharing Relaxed friendly culture want more responsibility
Gen Y's appear to have a greater need or desire for relationships at work; foster... Relationships Great boss / supervisor Take interest in ‘entire’ world Provide and request feedback Be a friend at work Opportunities for socialization Social networking
Gen Y's are a capable generation that works best when there is a worth cause; find a way to put.... Cause into work, and make it meaningful Change the world Change the human experience in the world Being a part of something bigger than themselves Having a sense of purpose
I also found a series of reports that I posted on Twitter that provide survey research and more thinking on attracting, hiring, and engaging Gen Y's in the workplace.